Rescue Maze
Students are required to design, build, and program a robot to find and assist victims in a disaster area. The victims are trapped in a building represented by the competition maze.
About the Challenge
The robot needs to search through a maze for victims. The robot should not find the fastest path through the maze; instead, it should explore as much of the maze as possible. The robot will get points for each victim found and deliver a rescue kit close to the victim. The robot must avoid areas with a black floor.
Game Rules
Rescue Maze sub-league is open to students from under 19 years of age (age as of 1st of July). Team members may compete in Rescue Line twice (2 international events). After competing in Rescue Line twice, they must move to Rescue Maze.
A disaster has occurred and people are trapped within a damaged building. It is too dangerous for human to enter. A Rescue mission is necessary.
A fully autonomous robot needs to be sent into the hazardous maze to locate victims so that the humans know where they are.
A range of sensors can be attached to all of these platforms, including electronic compasses, sonars, light sensors, infrared sensors, and cameras. The software can be extended to include real time mapping of the environment so that search patterns can be optimised.
As well as locating the victim the robot can also deliver a rescue package (of the students design) that will assist the victims until they can be rescued.
The robots need to be able to handle the debris and obstacles they encounter including holes in the floor, steps and ramps. The challenge changes every round so your robot needs to be versatile and reliable!
The Rescue Maze challenge is open to all RoboCup Junior age groups and all platforms and software.
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